Post-election analysis shows Mitt Romney lost Cuban American voters to President Obama, 47%-49% and Puerto Ricans, 17-83.
Romney’s coattails were so toxic that not even a statehood plebiscite could help Governor Luis Fortuno in his re-election bid.
The National Journal reported,
"Sadly, there is even speculation that Romney’s disastrous showing among Puerto Ricans on the mainland helped drag down Governor Luis Fortuño, the promising Republican governor of Puerto Rico. Fortuño had campaigned for Romney in Florida and appeared in Spanish-language ads for him. But he lost his bid for reelection by 15,000 votes to Alejandro Garcia Padilla, a Democrat who had made a big show of having lunch with President Obama during his visit to San Juan in 2011.
Luis Martinez-Fernandez, a history professor at the University of Central Florida, told National Journal that “it was really a bad choice by Fortuño to get so close to people like Romney.”
Michael Benjamin