Kindergarten Sex Games: New York School Parents Of Five-Year-Olds Outraged (VIDEO).
Parents of a two kindergarteners at PS 189 in New York, N. Y. say a group of students ‘explored their private parts‘ by taking off their clothes, and allegedly engaging in oral sex-like activities while the teacher was present, WPIX-TV reports.

“They were exposing themselves and showing their body parts to each other. They were kissing and touching,” the parent told WPIX-TV. “The teacher had her back to the children. She must have had her back turned away for a very long time for them to do the things that they did.”

This is the Planned Parenthood (PP) agenda. I’ve blogged about their historical support for the early childhood exploration of sexuality and the sexualization of our children.
In 1953 a Planned Parenthood staffer advised his superiors, “… we must be ready to provide young boys and girls with the best contraception measures available so they will have the necessary means to achieve sexual satisfaction without having to risk possible pregnancy.”
I’m surprised that PP or the ACLU have not found a child willing to sue his/her parents for inhibiting them. This is the logical outcome of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chancellor Dennis Walcott’s citywide sexuality education mandate. It wouldn’t surprise me if Chancellor Walcott used this incident at PS 189 as a “wake up” call to help our children and reduce the rate of chlamydia among 10 year olds.
See the video here.
Read related post: “NYC Sex Ed Policy is Ideologically Driven
How much more of this are NYC parents going to take? Comment as you see fit.