Official photographic portrait of US President...
That was my reply to a friend who in response to a recent posting, What Wikileaks cables tell us about Abu Qumu Hamouda, replied, “our choice for president.”
President George W Bush authorized Hamouda’s release and Secretary Condoleeza Rice‘s State Department expressed concern for his prison conditions, frequency of family visits, his legal status and the availability of legal counsel. Rice’s concerns seemed more appropriate for a lawyer from the Center for Constitutional Rights than a committed US counter-terrorism adfocate. Then, no one in the Bush WH objected when the Libyan court acquitted Hamouda of terrorism charges and convicted him of drug trafficking. By the time Col. K released him and others under a blanket amnesty (once the LIFG renounced jihad) in 2009 there was little the new Obama Administration could do.
When it comes to who has the better judgment in the fight against terrorism and piracy, President Obama wins hands down. And on November 6.
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